Posted on March 28, 2024
Meet our Team!

Today we chatted with Joanna, Finishing Site Superintendent  – Mid and High Rise at Marlin Spring Developments to learn about her unique role and how she and her team collaborate with other teams to ensure the company is building and delivering the best product to market. Read the intervire below to get to know Joanna and learn more about her achievements and aspirations.

Hi Joanna! Talk to us about your role and your team. What are you responsible for and how do you collaborate with other teams? What do you enjoy most about your role?

As a Site Finishing Superintendent at Marlin Spring, my primary responsibility is orchestrating the scheduling of all finishing trades to ensure seamless progression towards full occupancy for our homeowners. Within this role, I thrive on the collaborative environment that Marlin Spring fosters, engaging closely with various teams to tackle challenges head-on and ensure the highest standards of quality and efficiency are maintained throughout the project lifecycle. One of the most rewarding aspects of my role is the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with our skilled trades, swiftly addressing any complexities that may arise and fostering an environment of continual problem-solving and innovation. What truly energizes me is the perpetual learning and growth opportunities that come with each project, as well as the camaraderie shared among our team members who all share a passion for excellence.

Can you share a memorable achievement?

Over the past three years at Marlin Spring, I've had the privilege of contributing to the successful completion of two remarkable mid-rise projects. The culmination of these endeavours stands as a testament to the dedication and collaborative spirit of our team, and experiencing the satisfaction of seeing these projects through to fruition has been immensely gratifying and fulfilling.

What are you most excited for in the coming months?

Currently embarking on my third project with Marlin Spring, I find myself at the forefront of a new and exhilarating challenge. Tasked with overseeing the rebar and concrete aspects of this project, I’m excited to immerse myself in a different facet of construction management. Each stage of the building process presents its own set of unique challenges and opportunities for growth, and I’m eager to see this project evolve from its emerging stages to a remarkable finished product. This journey not only promises personal and professional development but also underscores my commitment to contributing to the continued success and innovation within our company.